
Take a look at the most recent publications by our team members.


CyclicCAE: A Conformational Autoencoder for Efficient Heterochiral Macrocyclic Backbone Sampling

bioRxiv, 2025, pp. 2025.02. 21.639569
Powers AC, P Renfrew PD, Hosseinzadeh P,  Mulligan VK


High-resolution epitope mapping of commercial antibodies to ANCA antigens by yeast surface display

Journal of Immunological Methods, 2024, pp. 113654
Poulton JS, Lamba S, Free M, Xi G,  McInnis E, Williams G, Kudlacek ST, Thieker D, Kuhlman B, Falk R

Heuristic energy-based cyclic peptide design

PLoS Computational Biology, 2024, in press
Zhu Q, Mulligan VK, Shasha D

Ultra-confined controllable cyclic peptides as supramolecular biomaterials

Nano Today, 2024, pp. 102247
Chorsi M, Linthicum W, Pozhidaeva A, Mundrane C, Mulligan VK, Chen Y, Tavousi P, Gorbatyuk V, Vinogradova O, Hoch JC, Huey BD, Nguyen TD, Soh HT, Kazerounian K, Ilies H

Combining machine learning with structure-based protein design to predict and engineer post-translational modifications of proteins

PLOS Computational Biology, 2024, pp. e1011939
Ertelt M, Mulligan VK, Maguire JB, Lyskov S, Moretti R, Schiffner T, Meiler J, Schoeder CT

Heteropolymer modelling and design incorporating quantum chemistry with RosettaQM

APS March Meeting Abstracts, 2024, pp. W55. 008
Mulligan VK, Turzo B, P, Renfrew D, Jurich C, Brown B


Macrocyclic polypeptides

Patent Pub. No. : US2023/0303626 A1
Hosseinzadeh P, Baker D, Bhardwaj G, Mulligan VK

De novo designed mixed chirality peptide macrocycles with internal symmetry

Patent Pub. No. : US2023/0279054 A1
Mulligan VK, Kang C, Craven T, Baker D

Macromolecular modelling algorithms harnessing quantum computation

APS March Meeting Abstracts, pp. Y72. 014
Mulligan VK, Pandey M, Zaborniak T, Galda A, Melo H

Population dynamics of immunological synapse formation induced by bispecific T cell engagers predict clinical pharmacodynamics and treatment resistance

eLife, 2023
Liu, Zhou, Kudlacek, Qi, Dunlap, Cao

Computational design of nanomolar-binding antibodies specific to multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants by engineering a specificity switch of antibody 80R using RosettaAntibodyDesign (RAbD) results in potential generalizable therapeutic antibodies for novel SARS-CoV-2 virus

Heliyon, 2023
Hernandez NE, Jankowski W, Frick R, Kelow SP, Lubin JH, Simhadri V, Adolf-Bryfogle J, Khare SD, Dunbrack RL Jr.,  Gray JJ, Sauna ZE


Macrocyclic polypeptides

Patent No.: US 11,524,979 B2
Hosseinzadeh P, Baker D, Bhardwaj G, Mulligan VK

Accurate de novo design of membrane-traversing macrocycles

Cell, 2022, pp. 3520-3532. e26
Bhardwaj G, O’Connor J, Rettie S, Hua Huang Y, Ramelot TA, Mulligan VK, Alpkilic GC, Palmer J, Bera AK, Bick MJ, Di Piazza M, Li X, Hosseinzadeh P, Craven TW, Tejero R, Lauko A, Choi R, Glynn C, Dong L, Griffin R, van Voorhis WC, Rodriguez J, Stewart L, Montelione GT, Craik D, Baker D

Rational design of rigidly-folded peptide macrocycle therapeutics using classical and quantum computers

Journal of peptide science, 2022, v. 28
Mulligan VK

Correction to “the rosetta all-atom energy function for macromolecular modeling and design”

Journal of chemical theory and computation, 2022, pp. 4594-4594
Alford RF, Leaver-Fay A, Jeliazkov JR, O’Meara MJ, DiMaio FP, Park H, Shapovalov MV, Renfrew PD, Mulligan VK, Kappel K, Labonte JW, Pacella MS, Bonneau R, Bradley P, Dunbrack Jr RL, Das R, Baker D, Kuhlman B, Kortemme T, Gray JT

Designing new peptide and protein therapeutics using adiabatic quantum annealers

APS March Meeting Abstracts, 2022, B01. 005
Mulligan VK, Melo H, Merritt H, Sawaya M, Slocum S, Weitzner B, Watkins A, Renfrew PD, Pelissier C, Yeates T, Arora P, Bonneau R, Pandey M, Galda A

Peptide design with quantum approximate optimization algorithm

APS March Meeting Abstracts, 2022, B01. 004
Galda A, Mulligan VK,  MacCormack I, Crooks G, Melo H

"Computational Design of Peptide-Based Binders to Therapeutic Targets", Approaching the Next Inflection in Peptide Therapeutics: Attaining Cell Permeability and Oral Bioavailability

American Chemical Society, 2022, pp. 55-102
Mulligan VK, Hosseinzadeh P

"How to Design Peptides", Chemokine-Glycosaminoglycan Interactions: Methods and Protocols

Springer US, 15 Nov 2022
Dodd-o J, Acevedo-Jake AM, Azizogli A, Mulligan VK, Kumar VA

Multibody molecular docking on a quantum annealer

arXiv:2210.11401., 20 Oct 2022
Mohit Pandey, Tristan Zaborniak, Hans Melo, Alexey Galda, Vikram K. Mulligan

"Computational methods for peptide macrocycle drug design", Peptide therapeutics: fundamentals of design, development, and delivery

Springer International Publishing, 27 Sept 2022
Mulligan VK

Stabilizing proteins, simplified: A Rosetta‐based webtool for predicting favorable mutations

Protein Science, 21 Sept 2022
Thieker DF, Maguire JB, Kudlacek ST, Leaver-Fay A, Lyskov S, Kuhlman B

Accurate de novo design of membrane-traversing macrocycles

Cell, 15 Sept 2022
Bhardwaj G, O’Connor J, Rettie S, Huang Y,  Ramelot TA, Mulligan VK, Alpkilic GC, Palmer J, Bera AK, Bick MJ, Di Piazza M, Li X, Hosseinzadeh P, Craven TW, Tejero R, Lauko A, Choi R, Glynn C, Dong L, Griffin R, van Voorhis WC, Rodriguez J, Stewart L, Montelione GT, Craik D, Baker D

Towards a scalable discrete quantum generative adversarial neural network

Smit Chaudhary, Patrick Huembeli, Ian MacCormack, Taylor L. Patti, Jean Kossaifi, Alexey Galda

A structural homology approach to identify potential cross-reactive antibody responses following SARS-CoV-2 infection

Scientific Reports, 06 July 2022
McGill JR, Lagassé HAD, Hernandez N, Hopkins L, Jankowski W, McCormick Q, Simhadri V, Golding B, Sauna ZE

Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction and Alternate Amino Acid States Guide Protein Library Design for Directed Evolution

Methods in Molecular Biology, 29 Apr 2022
VanAntwerp J, Finneran P, Dolgikh B, Woldring D


Designed, highly expressing, thermostable dengue virus 2 envelope protein dimers elicit quaternary epitope antibodies

Science Advances, 15 Oct 2021
Stephan Kudlacek, Stefan Metz, Devina Thiono, Alexander M Payne, et al.

XENet: Using a new graph convolution to accelerate the timeline for protein design on quantum computers

PLOS Comp Bio, 27 Sep 2021
Maguire JB, Grattarola D, Mulligan VK, Klyshko E, Melo H

Perturbing the energy landscape for improved packing during computational protein design

Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, May 2021
Jack B. Maguire,Hugh K. Haddox,Devin Strickland,Samer F. Halabiya, et al.

Augmenting QAOA Ansatz with Multiparameter Problem-Independent Layer.

arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.01192
Chalupnik, M., Melo, H., Alexeev, Y., & Galda, A

Structure-Guided Stabilized DENV2 Envelope Subunit Vaccine Elicits DENV2 Neutralizing Antibody In Vivo

American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 01 Nov 2021
Thiono DJ, Kudlacek ST, Samaras DL, Tian S, McCracken MK, Soman SA, Gromowski GD, Jarman RG, Forsberg J, Phan TT, Kuhlman B, de Silva AM

Multibody molecular docking on a quantum annealer

arXiv:2210.11401., 20 Oct 2022
Mohit Pandey, Tristan Zaborniak, Hans Melo, Alexey Galda, Vikram K. Mulligan

Simulating Large PEPs Tensor Networks on Small Quantum Devices

arXiv, 01 Oct 2021
Ian MacCormack, Alexey Galda, Adam L. Lyon

Current directions in combining simulation-based macromolecular modeling approaches with deep learning

Expert Opin Drug Discov., Sep 2021
Vikram Khipple Mulligan

Implementing a Ternary Decomposition of the Toffoli Gate on Fixed-Frequency Transmon Qutrits

arXiv, 01 Sep 2021
Alexey Galda, Michael Cubeddu, Naoki Kanazawa, Prineha Narang, Nathan Earnest-Noble

A conserved epitope III on hepatitis C virus E2 protein has alternate conformations facilitating cell binding or virus neutralization

PNAS, 06 July 2021
Deng L, Hernandez N, Zhong L, Holcomb DD, Yan H, Virata ML, Tarafdar S, Xu Y, He Y, Struble E, Alter HJ, Zhang P

Transferability of optimal QAOA parameters between random graphs

arXiv, 14 Jun 2021 (accepted in QCE21)
Alexey Galda, Xiaoyuan Liu, Danylo Lykov, Yuri Alexeev, Ilya Safro

Error Mitigation for Deep Quantum Optimization Circuits by Leveraging Problem Symmetries

arXiv, 09 Jun 2021 (accepted in QCE21)
Ruslan Shaydulin, Alexey Galda

Molecular chaperone RAP interacts with LRP1 in a dynamicbivalent mode and enhances folding of ligand-bindingregions of other LDLR family receptors

Journal of Biological Chemisty, 29 May 2021
Marakasova E, Olivares P, Karnaukhova E, Chun H, Hernandez NE, Kurasawa JH, Hassink GU, Shestopal SA, Strickland DK, Sarafanov GA

Error Rate Reduction of Single-Qubit Gates via Noise-Aware Decomposition

arXiv, 14 Apr 2021
Thomas J. Maldonado, Johannes Flick, Stefan Krastanov, Alexey Galda

Experimental high-dimensional Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement with superconducting transmon qutrits

arXiv, 12 Apr 2021
Alba Cervera-Lierta, Mario Krenn, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Alexey Galda

The Emerging Role of Computational Design in Peptide Macrocycle Drug Discovery

Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 31 Mar 2020
Mulligan VK

Computationally designed peptide macrocycle inhibitors of New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase 1

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 23 March 2021
Vikram Khipple Mulligan, Sean Workman, Tianjun Sun, Stephen Rettie, Xinting Li, Liam J Worrall, Timothy W Craven, et al.

Demonstration of quantum advantage by a joint detection receiver for optical communications using quantum belief propagation on a trapped-ion device

arXiv, 25 Feb 2021
Conor Delaney, Kaushik P. Seshadreesan, Ian MacCormack, Alexey Galda, Saikat Guha, Prineha Narang


Branching Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks

arXiv, 28 Dec 2020
Ian MacCormack, Conor Delaney, Alexey Galda, Nidhi Aggarwal, Prineha Narang

Computational design of mixed chirality peptide macrocycles with internal symmetry

Protein Sci. 2020 Dec;29(12):2433-2445
Vikram Khipple Mulligan, Christine S Kang, Michael R Sawaya, Stephen Rettie, Xinting L, et al.

Tensor Network Quantum Simulator With Step-Dependent Parallelization

arXiv, 04 Dec 2020
Danylo Lykov, Roman Schutski, Alexey Galda, Valerii Vinokur, Yurii Alexeev

In silico features of ADAMTS13 contributing to plasmatic ADAMTS13 levels in neonates with congenital heart disease

Thrombosis Research, Sept 2020
Katneni , Holcomb , Hernandez , Hamasaki-Katagiri , Hunt , Bar , Ibla , Kimchi-Sarfaty

Computational Stabilization of T Cell Receptors Allows Pairing with Antibodies to Form Bispecifics

Nature Communications, 11 May 2020
Froning K, Maguire J, Sereno A, Huang F, Chang S, Weichert K, Frommelt AJ, Dong J, Wu X, Austin H, Conner EM, Fitchett JR, Heng, AR, Balasubramaniam, Hilgers MT, Kuhlman B, Demarest SJ

The Emerging Role of Computational Design in Peptide Macrocycle Drug Discovery

Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 31 Mar 2020
Mulligan VK

Computer-Based Design and Stabilization of the Dengue Virus Envelope Protein for Use as a Subunit Vaccine

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ,  2020
Kudlacek S

Mathematical Models of Protease-Based Enzymatic Biosensors

ACS Synthetic Biology ,  04 Feb 2020
Agrawal DK, Dolan EM, Hernandez NE, Blacklock KM, Khare SD, Sontag ED

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